The Decline of the Middle Classes Around the World?
Conference Agenda

Sunday, September 28

7:30 pm

OPENING CEREMONY followed by a cocktail reception

Welcoming Remarks

Francisco Vázquez, President of Diputación de Segovia; Chairman of the Board of the UNED Associated Center of Segovia

Clara Luquero, Mayor of Segovia; Vice-Chairman of the Board of the UNED Associated Center of Segovia

José Luis Vázquez, Mayor of Real Sitio de San Ildefonso

Douglas Besharov, Norman & Florence Brody Professor, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, Co-chair APPAM 2014 International Conference

Antonio López Peláez, Professor of Social Work and Social Services, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Law, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; Co-chair APPAM 2014 International Conference

Monday, September 29

7:00 am – 8:45 am


8:15 am – 8:45 am


8:45 am – 9:30 am


Welcoming Remarks

Keynote Addresses

José Antonio Martínez Alvarez, General Director of Fiscal Studies Institute, Madrid, “Has the recession caused the decline of the middle class in Spain? A comparative study with other European countries”

Amitai Etzioni, University Professor and Professor of International Affairs; Director, Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., “The social and political consequences of the coming big disruption: The second digital revolution”

B. Venkatesh Kumar, Professor and Chairperson, Centre for Public Policy and Governance, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, “Aspirational middle class, neoliberalism, and democratic politics in India”

10:30 am – 10:50 am

Coffee Break

10:50 am – 12:40 pm


The Middle Class: Who are they, where did they go, and why does it matter?

David Johnson, Chief Economist, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis: Moderator

Marco Mira d'Ercole, Head of the Division for Household Statistics and Progress Measurement, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Brian Nolan, Director of Employment, Equity and Growth Programme and Professor of Social Policy at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University

Sagrario Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, Director, Gregorio Marañon Center, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; English editor, Comunitania: International Journal of Social Work and Social Sciences

Timothy Smeeding, Director of the Institute for Research on Poverty; Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin

12:45 pm – 2:00 pm


1:15 pm – 2:00 pm


The Rising of Middle Class in Indonesia: Opportunity and Challenge
Syaiful Afif

Welfare Dependence of the Middle Class
Young-hwan Byun

The Diffusion of Minimum Wage-Fixing in Developing Countries: The Worldwide Ratification of llo Conventions, 1950-2010
Joungyoon Hwang

Examining Job Insecurity That Affects Job Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Marital Satisfaction
Yunsoo Lee

Alternative Teacher Hiring Pathways in Florida
Corey Savage

Effects of the crisis on the social representation of the university and the work: differences in gender, generation and social class in Rome in times of crisis
Ludovica Rossotti


2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.1: The decline of the middle class
Chaired by: TJ Lah, Yonsei University
-Alhajas 3-

Male Earnings Inequality and Female Marital Outcomes: Evidence from India
A. V. Chari, University of Sussex; Annemie Maertens, University of Sussex; Sinduja Srinivasan, Pardee Rand Graduate School
Paper Presentation

In transit: The well-being of migrants from transition and post-transition countries
Milena Nikolova, Institute for the Study of Labor – IZA, The Brookings Institution; Carol Graham, The Brookings Institution, University of Maryland, Institute for the Study of Labor – IZA

Measurement and Characterization of the Middle Class in Latin America
Maria F. Cortés, Econometría Consultores; Nancy Aireth Daza Báez, Departamento Nacional de Planeación

Stuck in the Middle: Recession, Vulnerability and Disillusionment
Soumya Chattopadhyay, Brookings Institution; Carol Graham, Brookings Institution

2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.2: Informing an Educational Equity Agenda:
The Instructional Pipeline from Schools to Teachers to Students
Chaired by: David Blazar, Harvard University
-Canonigos 2-

The Effect of High Quality Elementary Instruction on Student's Non-Cognitive Outcomes
Blazar, Harvard University

Learning Lessons from Instruction: Descriptive Results from an Observational Study of Urban Elementary Classrooms
Heather C. Hill, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Erica Litke, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Katherine Lynch, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Cynthia Pollard, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Barbara Gilbert, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Using a Dynamic Approach to School Improvement: Promoting Quality and Equity in Education
Leonidas Kyriakides, University of Cyprus; Charalambos Y. Charalambous, University of Cyprus; Evi Charalambous, University of Cyprus

2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.3: Safety Net in a Time of High Unemployment
Chaired by: Kenneth Couch, University of Connecticut
-Musicos 4-

Scraping By: Income and Program Participation After the Loss of Extended Unemployment Benefits
Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley; Robert G. Valletta, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Automatic Stabilizers in the EU during the Great Recession
Christian Wittneben, Centre for European Economic Research; Mathias Dolls, Centre for European Economic Research; Clemens Fuest, Centre for European Economic Research; Andreas Peichel,Centre for European Economic Research

Who Did Safety Nets Catch During the Great Recession and How? A Comparison of Eleven OECD Countries
Katie Baird, University of Washington Tacoma

The Disappearance of the Middle Class in America: Evidence from Overwhelmed Community Nonprofits
Maureen Berner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ben Chambers, City of San Antonio, Texas

2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.4: The Future of Workforce Development Programs in Latin America
Chaired by: Ariel Fiszbein, Inter-American Dialogue
-Las 8 Calles-

José Ramón Perea, OECD Development Centre

Silvia Montoya, Director General for Education Evaluation, Buenos Aires

Carmen Pagés-Serra, Inter-American Development Bank

Germán Ríos, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, CAF

Alexandria Valerio, World Bank

2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.5: The Middle Class in the United States
Chaired by: Timothy Smeeding, University of Wisconsin
-Las 3 Gracias-

The Income Dynamics of U.S. Middle-Class: Households From The Mid-1990s To 2012
John J. Hisnanick, U.S. Census Bureau

The Shrinking Middle: Changes in the Composition of the Middle Class in the United States, 1974-2013
Laryssa Mykyta, U. S. Census Bureau

Marriage Matters: Family Structure and the Decline of the Middle Class
Wade F. Horn, Deloitte Consulting, LLP

Soft Skills: Needed for Entering the Middle Class
Arnold Packer, SCANS; Robert I. Lerman, American University and Urban Institute

2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.6 The Effects of Debt
Chaired by: David Myers, American Institutes for Research

Does debt make people sick? Health effects of long-term over-indebtedness in Finland
Jenni Blomgren, Social Insurance Institution of Finland; Nico Maunula, Social Insurance Institution of Finland; Heikki Hiilamo, University of Helsinki

Private Debt Public Virtues: On the relationship between welfare and household debt
Martino Comelli, SciencesPo, Paris

Capitalism, Consumer Debt and Social Policy: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination
Mary E.A. Caplan, University of Georgia

Political Reform and Consumer Debt: The 'Emerging Middle' in Mexico and Jordan
Lisa Singleton ,Columbia University

2:00 - 3:50

Panel 1.7: Movilidad social y clases medias (Spanish language)
Chaired by: Ignasi Brunet Icart, Universidad Rovira i Virgili
-Los Oficios 6-

Innovación, Clases Medias y Ocupaciones Creativas. El Caso de los Diseñadores Gráficos
Ignasi Brunet Icart, Universidad Rovira y Virgili; David Pac Salas, Universidad de Zaragoza

The ROLE of the PUBLIC SECTOR in the DECLINE of the EUROPEAN MIDDLE CLASS: The Spanish case
María Crespo Garrido, Universidad de Alcalá
Paper(Espanol) Paper(English) Presentation

Social De La Clase Media En La Argentina (1976-2010)
N Sacco, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Crisis formativa, educación a distancia y las iniciativas para el desarrollo de la trayectoria laboral en la educación superior
Carmen G. Casas Ratia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

La neceisdad de un cambio estructural para transformar la ciudadania
Antonia Picornell-Lopez, Universidad de Salamanca

3:50 pm – 4:10 pm

Coffee Break

4:10 pm – 6:00 pm



Panel 2.1: Immigrants in Public and Adult Education
Chaired by: Andres Arias Astray, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
-Alhajas 3-

Are Patterns of Public Governance Changing? A Study of Immigration, Migrant Education, and Bilingual Education Policies in the United States and the European Union
Aleskandra Malinowska, University of Texas, Austin; Laurence E. Lynn Jr., University of Chicago

Immigrants in Public Schools: A Closer Look at Cross-Generational Differences in Student Outcomes
Umut Özek, American Institutes for Research/CALDER; David N. Figlio, Northwestern University and NBER

No Country for (Migrant) Children: The Great Recession and Multidimensional Disadvantage of Children in Spain
Rosa Martínez-López, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Jesús Ruiz-Huerta, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Harvesting hardships in Florida: Educators’ views on the challenges of migrant students and their consequences on education
Janese L. Free, Emmanuel College; Katrin Kriz, Emmanuel College; Jenny Konecnik, Emmanuel College

The intergenerational transmission of noncognitive skills and their effect on education and employment outcomes
Ildefonso Mendez, University of Murcia; Gema Zamarro, University of Arkansas; University of Southern California


Panel 2.2: Higher Education
Chaired by: Sean Tanner, University of California, Berkeley
-Canonigos 2-

Gains and Gaps: Changing Inequality in U.S. College Entry and Completion
Martha J. Bailey, National Bureau of Economic Research; Susan M. Dynarski, University of Michigan

The Economics of BA Ambivalence: The Case of California Higher Education
Alan Benson, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Paper Presentation

What Role Do Public Universities Play in Educational Inequality? Evidence from North Carolina
Charles T. Clotfelter, Duke University; Helen F. Ladd, Duke University; Jacob L. Vigdor, University of Washington

Equal Education, Unequal Jobs: College Students with Disabilities
Saul Schwartz, Carleton University; Jennifer Stewart, Carleton University


Panel 2.3: Programs to Increase Labor Force Participation
Chaired by: Jason Turner, Secretary’s Innovation Group
-Musicos 4-

Skill Development in Middle Level Occupations: The Role of Apprenticeship Training
Robert I. Lerman, The Urban Institute

Two-Generation Strategies for Expanding the Middle Class
Tara Smith, University of Texas, Austin; Rheagan Coffey, University of Texas, Austin

Lifelong Learning in the New Knowledge Economy
Michelle LaPointe, La Pointe Evaluation & Analysis for Decisionmakers; Jason Wingard, Goldman Sachs


Panel 2.4: Political and Social Structure of the Middle Class
Chaired by Maureen Berner, University of North Carolina
-ALas 8 Calles-

Middle Class Evolving to Precariat: Labor Conditions for the 21st Century
Andoni Alonso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Silvia Ferreira, Universidade de Porta; David Alonso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Politics of Middle Class Decline and Growth in Industrialized Democracies, 1980- 2010
Young-hwan Byun, City University of New York

Bourgeois Barricades: Frustrated Middle Class in Public Protests
Soumya Chattopadhyay, Brookings Institution

Institutional Strength and Middleclass in Antiquity and Modern World. A Comparative Perspective
Carlos Felipe Amunátegui Perelló, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

The Effects of the Economic Crisis in the Political Culture of Elderly People: Spain as a Case Study
Ainhoa Uribe-Otalora, Institute for Democracy Studies, CEU San Pablo University
Paper Presentation


Panel 2.5: Effects of Inequality
Chaired by David Johnson, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
-Las 3 Gracias-

Does Rising Income Inequality Reduce Middle-Class Income Growth?
Timothy Smeeding, University of Texas, Austin; Laurence E. Lynn Jr., University of Wisconsin

Middle Class Rising: Federal Policies in Post-World War Two America
Ruth Ellen Wasem, University of Texas

US Social Policy in an Era of Middle Class Decline: Is it drifting from the poor?
Katie Baird, University of Washington Tacoma

The Rise of Inequality, the Decline of the Middle Class, and Educational Outcomes
Greg Thorson, University of Redlands


Panel 2.6: Wages/income
Chaired by Rob Valletta, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

How Income Changes During Unemployment: Evidence from Tax Return Data
Laura Kawano, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Sara LaLumia, Williams College

The Translation of Economic Growth into Decent Jobs: Post-1979 American Performance in International Perspective
David R. Howell, The New School

Changing Trends in the Effect of Minimum Wage on Employment
Rafael Rivera Pastor , Iclaves SL

Efficient Minimum and Maximum Wage
Sang-Moon Hahm, KDI School of Public Policy and Management


Panel 2.7: Afecciones de las clases medias (Spanish language)
Chaired by: Cristobal Torres, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
-Los Oficios 6-

Perceived quality of public services and new forms of governance in times of crisis
Immaculada Lopez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Paper (English) Paper (Español) Presentation

Metodología y acompañamiento profesional en trabajo social: evidencias empíricas a través de la normativa de inclusión en España
Esther Raya Diez, Universidad de La Rioja; Neus Caparros Civera, Universidad de La Rioja; Domingo Carbonero Munoz, Universidad de La Rioja

Violencia social en México: su impacto en la seguridad ciudadana
Aída Imelda Valero Chávez, Escuela Nacional de Trabajo Social, UNAM

Economic Crisis, Social Class, and Technology Usage in Spain
Cristóbal Torres-Albero UAM; José Manuel Robles UCM; Stefano De Marco UCM; Mirko Antino UCM

6:15 pm – 8:15 pm

City tour of Segovia by bus

Tuesday, September 30

7:00 am – 9:00 am


9:00 am – 10:30 am


Keynote Addresses

Robert Strauss, Head of Unit, European Employment Strategy, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission, “What sort of employment for the middle classes in Europe?”

Dimitris Kyriakou, Chief Economist, European Commission's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, “A rude awakening for the middle class: systemic features of the debt crisis in the eurozone and the road(s) ahead”

Antonio López Peláez, Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; Editor, Comunitania: International Journal of Social Work and Social Science, “Labor, health and middle classes: Do young Spaniards have to jeopardize their health to find a job?”

10:30 am – 10:50 am

Coffee Break

10:50 am – 12:40 pm


Skills That Matter: What skills will be needed in the future (and how should we measure them)?

Ariel Fiszbein, Program Director, Inter-American Dialogue: Moderator

Arup Banerji, Senior Director for Social Protection and Labor, World Bank

Paul Decker, President and CEO, Mathematica Policy Research

Robert Lerman, Professor, Department of Economics, American University; Institute Fellow, Urban Institute

Carmen Pagés-Serra, Chief of the Labor Markets and Social Security Unit, Inter-American Development Bank

12:45 pm – 2:00 pm


1:15 pm – 2:00 pm

POSTER SESSION 2 (Repeat from Poster Session 1)

2:00 pm – 3:50 pm


2:00 - 3:50

Panel 3.1: Editors’ panel
Chaired by: Douglas Besharov, University of Maryland
-Alhajas 3-

Kenneth Couch, University of Connecticut; editor, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Neil Gilbert, University of California, Berkeley; Chair, Editorial Board, International Journal of Social Welfare
Traute Mayer, University of Southampton; Co-Editor, Journal of European Social Policy
Timothy Smeeding, University of Wisconsin; Co-Editor, Poverty and Income Distribution and Income Assistance SIRN


Panel 3.2 Middle Class in the Developing World
Chaired by: Franziska Gassmann, Maastricht University
-Canonigos 2-

Decentralized Migration in Morocco
Danielle Loustau-Williams, University of Pittsburgh

The Impact of an Unconditional Cash Transfer on Early Child Development: The Zambia Child Grant Program
David Seidenfeld, American Institutes for Research; Sudanshu Handa, University of North Carolina; Leah Prencipe, American Institutes for Research; Laura Hawkinson, American Institutes for Research

Is There a Middle Class in Mexico?
Miguel Del Castillo Negrete Rovira, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México; Carlos McCadden Martinez, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México

Investigating the Effect of Retrenchment on the Family and Society in Nigeria
Rose Ogbechie, Lagos Business School, Pan Atlantic University


Panel 3.3: Accountability in Education
Chaired by: Helen Ladd, Duke University
-Musicos 4-

School Accountability & Students’ Long Run Success: Preliminary Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Sean Tanner, University of California, Berkeley
Paper Presentation

Student Aid, Student Behavior, and Educational Attainment
Sandy Baum, George Washington University & The Urban Institute; Saul Schwartz, Carleton University

Public Accountability Reforms and Higher Education
Paola Mattei, University of Oxford

Short-run effects of accountability pressures on teacher policies and practices in the Chilean voucher system
Gregory Elacqua, Public Policy Institute, Universidad Diego Potales


Panel 3.4: Public Assistance Programs for the Unemployed
Chaired by: Ruth Wasem, University of Texas
-Las 8 Calles-

Disability Benefit Reform in Great Britain with Lessons for Reform in the United States
Zachary A. Morris, University of California, Berkeley

US Trade Adjustment Assistance: Overview & Policy Recommendations for Wage Insurance
Alejandro Góngora, Carnegie Mellon University; Dennis M. Sawyers, Carnegie Mellon University; Tessa Roscoe, Carnegie Mellon University; Juan Acosta, Carnegie Mellon University

Immigrant Welfare Policy and the Ethnic Inequality of Welfare Participation - an Empirical Study in the American States
Ling Zhu, University of Houston; Ping Xu, Rhode Island University

The Decline of the Middle Class: The View from the Perspective of Occupational Health
Emilio Diaz De Mera,UNED


Panel 3.5: The Middle Class in East Asia
Chaired by: M. Jae Moon, Yonsei University
-Las 3 Gracias-

The Shrinkage of Middle Classes in Japan? The Growing Labour Market Flexibility and its Consequences for the Class Structure
Hirohisa Takenoshita, Sophia University
Paper Presentation

Who's Middle Class? Subjective Perceptions of the Socially Skidded Middle Class
Chen Hee Tam, SIM University

The Middle Class Racing Against the Machine? Technology and Middle-Class Unemployment in Hard Times
So Young Kim, KAIST

Comparative Analysis of Budgetary Program Evaluation in OECD Countries: focusing on Korean PART system
T.J. Lah, Yonsei University


Panel 3.6: Poverty and Well-Being
Chaired by: David Johnson, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Examining the Middle Class in the United States Using the Lens of the Supplemental Poverty Measure
Trudi Renwick, U.S. Census Bureau; Kathleen Short, U.S. Census Bureau

Quality of life, well-being and social policies in European countries
Almudena Moreno Mínguez, University of Valladolid; Luis Carlos Martínez Fernández, University of Valladolid; Angel Carrasco Campos, University of Valladolid

Wealth Inequality and Housing Conditions among Middle Classes in Italy
Joselle Dagnes, University of Turin, Italy; Marianna Filandri, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy; Luca Storti, University of Turin, Italy

Are the House-Poor Really the Poor? Consumption Patterns and Behaviors of Korean House-Poor
Jungsook Kim, Yonsei University; Young Ho Eom, Yonsei University; M.Jae Moon, Yonsei University; Joungyoon Hwang, Yonsei University


Panel 3.7: Crisis económica y clases medias (Spanish language)
Chaired by: Fernando de Lucas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
-Los Oficios 6-

Vivencias, percepciones y estrategias de colectivos en situación de fragilidad: estudio de caso sobre mujeres solas con cargas familiares
Pilar Parra, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Lucila Finkel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Crisis, Social Class, Employment, and Education
Fernando De Lucas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Sagrario Segado, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

La Mediación Intercultural y Comunitaria Como Herramienta Para La Integración y Bienestar De La Ciudadanía
Marta Blanco, University of Madrid

Analysis of Participation Policies in Municipal Social Services in Spain
Enrique Pastor Seller, Universidad de Murcia

La Edad y la Adopción: El convenio Europeo en materia de adopción de menores de 2008.
Patricia López Peláez, UNED

3:50 pm – 4:10 pm

Coffee Break

4:10 pm – 6:00 pm



Panel 4.1: Evaluation of Education Programs and Systems
Chaired by: Rafael Rivera, Iclaves SL
-Alhajas 3-

Private School Choice for the Lower Middle Class: Initial Participant Effects of the Louisiana Scholarship Program
Jonathan Mills, Patrick Wolf and Jay Greene, University of Arkansas

Economic and Professional Mobility in Rural Labor Markets: Evidence from Public School Systems in Kentucky
Joshua M. Cowen, Michigan State University; Jacob Fowles, University of Kansas

Design, Implementation, and Initial Impact Results from a Remedial Reading Program in Egypt
Rebecca Stone, American Institutes for Research; Essam Assaad, American Institutes for Research

Early Life Influences on Young Adult Financial Outcomes
Andrea H. Beller, University of Illinois-Urbana; Brent Roberts, University of Illinois-Urbana; Jeffrey Brown, University of Illinois-Urbana; Yilan Xu, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign


Panel 4.2: Public Services
Chaired by: Katrin Kriz, Emmanuel College
-Canonigos 2-

Child welfare workers’ perceptions of children’s participation: a comparative study of England, Norway and the United States (California)
Katrin Kriz, Emmanuel College; Marit Skivenes, University of Bergen

Physician Competition and Prices for Physician Services
Laurence Baker, Stanford University; Kate Bundorf, Stanford University; Anne Beeson Royalty, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

Courts in Crisis: Court Budgets Cut Access to Justice in California
Jose Preciado, California State University; Teresa Palmer, California State University; Terra Townsend, California State University; Cecilia White, California State University; Millie Yan, California State University

Governing Crime or Governing through Crime? “Security Pacts” as a Policy Instrument in Italy (2007-2009)
Marco Calaresu, University of Sassari; Mauro Tebaldi, University of Sassari


Panel 4.3: Economic Crisis in Southern Europe
Chaired by: Fernando De Lucas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
-Musicos 4-

Economic Crisis and Austerity Policies in Portugal: effects on the middle classes
Pilar González, Universidade do Porto; António Figueiredo, Universidade do Porto, Quaternaire Portugal
Paper Presentation

The collapse of the middle class in Greece during the era of the Memoranda (2009-2014)
Valia Aranitou, University of Crete

Economic Crisis: Enhancing Good Regional Governance in the EU?
Christina Kulich-Vamvakas, Emmanuel College; Petros Vamvakas, Emmanuel College


Panel 4.4: Households and Families
Chaired by: Wade Horn, Deloitte
-Las 8 Calles-

When College Youth Feel Poor: The Buffering Effects of Family Resilience and Social Resources
Melissa Alonzo Reyes, De La Salle University, Manila, Phillipines; Isabella Regina C. Yujuico, De La Salle University, Manila, Phillipines

Romanian Family, Between Tradition and Economic Challenges as Illustration from Households Situated in Precarious Prosperity
Ana Maria Preoteasa, Research Institute for Quality of Life; Ionela Vlase, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Increasing Income Inequality in Spain in comparative perspective: The protective effect of families in times of economic crisis
Almudena Moreno Mínguez, University of Valladolid

Do remittances and social assistance have different impacts on expenditure patterns of recipient households?
Jennifer Waidler, Maastricht University; Fransika Gassman, Masstricht University; Melissa Siegel, Masstricht University; Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Overseas Development Institute


Panel 4.5: Middle Class in Northern Europe
Chaired by: Heikki Hiilamo, University of Helsinki
-Las 3 Gracias-

Deindustrialization and Tertiarization and the Polarization of Household Incomes: The Example of Urban Agglomerations in Germany
Jan Goebel, German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin; Martin Gornig, German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin and Technical University, TU Berlin

The social policies of middle class households – Individual risk management in British liberal capitalism
Jochen Clasen, University of Edinburgh; Traute Meyer, University of Southampton

Toward a middle-class society?
Raimo Blom, University of Tampere
Paper Presentation


Panel 4.6: Demographics of the Middle Class
Chaired by: Hector Diaz, Western Michigan University

Who and What in the Middle Class
Itai Sened, Tel Aviv University; Sagit Azari Vizel, Tel Aviv University
Paper Presentation

Labor Market and Fiscal Effects of the Demographic Transition in 27 EU countries
Mathias Dolls, Centre for European Economic Research; Karina Doorley, Centre for European Economic Research; Eric Sommer, Centre for European Economic Research

Feminization of the US Middle Class: Policy Choices, Policy Consequences
Betty Morgan, Elon University

Aging Single: How the Status of Being Single and Living Alone Influences the Psychological Well-Being and Wealth Decisions Among the Changing Black Middle Class
Kris Marsh, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; William A. Darity, Jr., Duke University; Philip N. Cohen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Lynne M. Casper, University of Southern California; Danielle Salters, Duke University


Panel 4.7: La crisis de las clases medias en España: perspectivas de análisis (Spanish language)
Chaired by: José Félix Tezanos, GETS-UNED
-Los Oficios 6-

Tendencias De Declive De Las Clases Medias En Contextos De Crisis Económica E Incertidumbres Políticas: El Caso De España (Español)
Jose Felix Tezanos, GETS-UNED

La Reforma del Sistema Público de Pensiones del Gobierno Del Partido Popular en España: Sus Efectos Sobre el Bienestar
Carlos Ochando Claramunt, Departamento de Economía Aplicada. Universidad de Valencia.

La Crisis de las Clases Medias en España. Perspectivas de Análisis
Verónica Díaz Moreno, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia; Pilar Gomiz, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia

Los Procesos De Movilidad Social Descendente: Clases Medias y Sinhogarismo
Iria-Noa de la Fuente Roldán, Complutense University of Madrid; Esteban Sánchez Moreno, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Darío Pérez Madera, Samur Social y Atención a Personas Sin Hogar del Ayuntamiento de Madrid; María José Barahona Gomariz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Importing Poverty for the Catalonian Agriculture. The Case of Unió de Pagesos System
Olga Achón Rodríguez, Universitat de Barcelona

6:15 pm – 8:00 pm

Free visit to La Granja de San Ildefonso Gardens

9:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Gala Dinner

Wednesday, October 1

7:00 am – 9:00 am


7:00 am – 12:00 pm

Shuttle service from the Parador La Granja to the Segovia AVE station


All conference events will be held at the Parador La Granja, as well as all Conference Package hotel room reservations.

                    for Public Policy Analysis and Management Universidad
					Nacional de Educación a Distancia University of Maryland School of Public Policy

Founding Sponsor
Evans School